Don’t let ‘the paper’ limit your success #AskKirubi
Just recently, we came across the following news headline;
“Ernst and Young drops degree classification threshold for graduate recruitment.”
This came as a shock to many of us but for some, it was a wakeup call. This move saw other ‘Big’ employers and recruitment firms in the world remove degree classification from the entry criteria. Most companies cited that, there’s ‘no evidence’ University equals to success. I somewhat share the same sentiments, however I would not like to disqualify the need of pursuing education at a tertiary level.
Don’t let your degree or lack of having one define or limit you. It’s what you do with the knowledge you have that matters.
While most of us had or have the opportunity to go to University, there are those who did not. If you have the opportunity to pursue University education then by all means do so. Do not be ‘misled’ by the above because you have an opportunity to acquire knowledge. However, choose a course that is in line with your passion because we do not want you wasting time and resources in the name of just getting a degree.
Specialization is key and the knowledge you convert is more relevant than if you studied general studies. General studies are good up to a certain level but learn to specialize and be valuable in one area.
For those who did not have the chance to go to University, all is not lost. A lot has changed over the years. Gone are the days where your papers were the only qualification for getting a job. Nowadays, companies take in young people and train them. Learn to maximize on that.
I have always said that, “I employ for attitude and train for skill. If you have a guy without the right attitude, their skill will not help you because they are irrelevant to your business.” I pay attention to your attitude, body language and tone of voice in an interview because they communicate who you are and tell me if at all I can work with you. Let me employ you because of the passion and persistence you display.
How you market and present yourself will always determine whether one will want to employ you. This also includes internship and contract jobs. At the end of the day, what value are you adding to the company and those you work with?
The Internet is your best friend and best source of information. You can use it to empower yourself with knowledge. Your success in life will be determined by how well you use the knowledge you possess.
Success does not mean that you must have certain qualifications. It is inbuilt and according to what your drive is. Everyone has a dream but not everyone has the courage, tenacity and persistence to see their dream through. You must push yourself each day to achieve your dream of success.
Lastly, there is no end to education. Life is a learning curve and you can never stop learning. You cannot do today’s job with yesterday’s methods and be in business tomorrow. You must keep learning new methods and ways of doing things to keep abreast with the world’s ever changing trends.
Getting a University Degree does not equal to success. The same way the lack of having one doesn’t qualify for failure. It’s what you do with the knowledge and life skills you have that will make you successful ~ Chris Kirubi
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