Do something to change that can be changed.

Do something to change that thing that you know can be changed.

By Chris Mureithi (Motivational Speaker)

On 29th october 2015 there was a power surge in my neighborhood and as a result, many of my neighbors who did not have surge protectors (including myself) lost their electronics; Tvs, fridges, music systems, chargers (hata za pin ndogo), anything that was connected to the power supply.

At that moment KPLC adopted all the names on the dichotomous key thanks to these irate neighbors.

I suggested to them that maybe we should file a complaint and seek compensation from kenya power and this was the unanimous response "hawa watu huwa hawalipi hakuna haja ya kujisumbua" and they all went quietly back to their houses in anger and no one sought redress for their lossed.

Can you blame them? NO! Firms in Kenya have a reputation of not paying claims hence you could understand where my neighbors were coming from

However, I decided to give it a shot, after all I had nothing to lose, if you are falling off a cliff you lose nothing by trying to fly.

Contrary to popular belief, Kenya Power were  very corperative and long story short and despite the time they took, I received my cheque on friday last week and compensated almost in full, my neighbors received nothing and till now they still hold the belief that "hawa watu huwa hawalipi".

From this I learnt valuable lessons:

1. Many of us accept the realities that we are given and never go out there and try to create our own realities.

You can do more, be more, have more if you one day decide that, you know what, I am sick and tired of being sick and tired of settling for less that I deserve, you might be surprised at how far you can go if you are willing to start the journey.

2. You miss a hundred percent of the shots you dont take.It is true that some shots will be long, take them anyway, and probability has it that the more shots you take, the higher the chances of hitting one.

My neighbours resigned to fate,but I took a shot and the difference is that I was restored and they weren't and what seemed like a long shot turned out otherwise.

3. Dont complain about things that complaining cannot change. With all their complaining and calling kenya power all manner of names, my neighbors still lost their electronics because no amount of complaining could reverse the loss.

They did not take the necessary measures for their remediation.on the other hand, I chose not to complain but instead took action that would hopefully bring the end result that I wanted which was compensation.What is that one thing that you are not happy with, is it your income, your job, a relationship, physical fitness...

No matter how long you complain about your pot belly, unless you do something about it, it ain't going nowhere, some things only respond to action and not complaints...

Do something to change that thing that you know can be changed and it's within your jurisdiction to change even if it means a little stretching and a little discomfort... The result is worth it.

Stop complaining about your boss,he is also complaining about his, stop complaining about the government, it already has enough people complaining about it,

DO SOMETHING . Your life deserves better.


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