Don’t let ‘the paper’ limit your success #AskKirubi
BY CHRIS KIRUBI | FEBRUARY 25, 2016 Just recently, we came across the following news headline; “Ernst and Young drops degree classification threshold for graduate recruitment.” This came as a shock to many of us but for some, it was a wakeup call. This move saw other ‘Big’ employers and recruitment firms in the world remove degree classification from the entry criteria. Most companies cited that, there’s ‘no evidence’ University equals to success. I somewhat share the same sentiments, however I would not like to disqualify the need of pursuing education at a tertiary level. Don’t let your degree or lack of having one define or limit you. It’s what you do with the knowledge you have that matters. While most of us had or have the opportunity to go to University, there are those who did not. If you have the opportunity to pursue University education then by all means do so. Do not be ‘misled’ by the above because you have an opportunity to acquire knowledge. Howev...