
Showing posts from February, 2016

Don’t let ‘the paper’ limit your success #AskKirubi

BY CHRIS KIRUBI  |  FEBRUARY 25, 2016 Just recently, we came across the following news headline; “Ernst and Young drops degree classification threshold for graduate recruitment.” This came as a shock to many of us but for some, it was a wakeup call. This move saw other ‘Big’ employers and recruitment firms in the world remove degree classification from the entry criteria. Most companies cited that, there’s ‘no evidence’ University equals to success. I somewhat share the same sentiments, however I would not like to disqualify the need of pursuing education at a tertiary level. Don’t let your degree or lack of having one define or limit you. It’s what you do with the knowledge you have that matters. While most of us had or have the opportunity to go to University, there are those who did not. If you have the opportunity to pursue University education then by all means do so. Do not be ‘misled’ by the above because you have an opportunity to acquire knowledge.  Howev...

In the midst of any storm, do keep it on God always.

In a forest, a pregnant deer is about to give birth. She finds a remote grass field near a strong- flowing river. This seems a safe place. Suddenly labour pains begin. At the same moment, dark clouds gather around above & lightning starts a forest fire. She looks to her left & sees a hunter with his bow extended pointing at her. To her right, she spots a hungry lion approaching her. What can the pregnant deer do? She is in labour! What will happen? Will the deer survive? Will she give birth to a fawn? Will the fawn survive? Or will everything be burnt by the forest fire? Will she perish to the hunters' arrow? Will she die a horrible death at the hands of the hungry lion approaching her? She is constrained by the fire on the one side & the flowing river on the other & boxed in by her natural predators. What does she do? She focuses on giving birth to a new life. The sequence of events that follow are: - Lightning strikes & bli...

Do it now.

Hi people ? is your commitment big enough to make you walk out of the comfort zone and start charting out the road less traveled by? many people do not become out liners not because they never had big dreams but just because their desire to succeed was never enough to wake them up in that breezy morning or make them work to the dead night end. It is with such callous attitude that we end up being victims of three things: 1. " When I feel Like syndrome'- are you a person who says this statement. That you will only focus or work on something when you feel it? Others say they are waiting for inspiration. My dear friend it is time to know starting to work gives you the same inspiration. if that is not the case, i would not have written this post because i never started with everything ready in my mind. 2. Mediocrity- when You read John Mason his book ' An enemy called Average' you will have a better understanding of this. We fail to perform our best because of mediocrity...

Dealing With Failure.

Failure can be anything from a failed trip, big losses, failed exams, failed interview, failed relationship, inability to keep your promises, a manuscript rejection or that thing you know. It is not a cup of tea to any of us at first sight and can be quite devastating. But on a second consideration and on a positive perception, it is not quite a killer thing but a useful learning experience. Have you not learnt how not to do things just like Thomas Edison did for about 10,000 times? Oh yeah! This must be a check point to success you can say. Life has a lot to offer. While we work to achieve our best, we should not expect the process to be a smooth sail.  Those who understand that failure is part of the process go far. They find ways of learning from failure and the tenacity, resilience and a bounce back technique which help them not to remain at the ground when this failure lands them there. When they mess- they find out what happened and find a solution and that way, they learn....

Do something to change that can be changed.

Do something to change that thing that you know can be changed . By Chris Mureithi (Motivational Speaker) On 29th october 2015 there was a power surge in my neighborhood and as a result, many of my neighbors who did not have surge protectors (including myself) lost their electronics; Tvs, fridges, music systems, chargers (hata za pin ndogo), anything that was connected to the power supply. At that moment KPLC adopted all the names on the dichotomous key thanks to these irate neighbors. I suggested to them that maybe we should file a complaint and seek compensation from kenya power and this was the unanimous response "hawa watu huwa hawalipi hakuna haja ya kujisumbua" and they all went quietly back to their houses in anger and no one sought redress for their lossed. Can you blame them? NO! Firms in Kenya have a reputation of not paying claims hence you could understand where my neighbors were coming from However, I decided to give it a shot, after all I had nothing to l...

Stress relieving biblical verses

With all the weight and burden that life throws away, it's pretty easy to get stressed. Nowadays, stress is seen to be a norm in society and is often correlated with productivity. People often think that when you're stressed, you're better off because it means you're doing a lot of things. What does the Bible tell us about stress? As true as it is that God wants us to be proactive and productive, I refuse to believe that God wants you to be stressed. Merriam-Webster's defines stress as "something that causes strong feelings of worry or anxiety." But the Bible makes it very clear that we are not to worry. If you're the person who frequently worries and is chronically stressed, please don't beat yourself up and feel bad because that's just going to get you more stressed! However, it's important that you know that stress, worry, anxiety was never God's original plan for you. Yes, God allows challenges, circumstances and suffering to com...