Fear of Failure

Failure is a negative word that evokes feelings of incompetence, inability and
incapacity to perform to the desired level. It fuels pessimism which can make
you afraid to attempt anything because of the possibility of failure. You vividly
imagine failing in your attempts at doing anything and feel like you are at the
end of your world. The fear of failure constantly lurking in your mind affects
your actions. You think many times before starting on anything and doubt your
own capabilities. You lack self-confidence which can cause more setbacks.
This scenario changes for the better immediately when you decide not to attach
importance to your failures. You fail because you do not try to your best
potential. So you fumble more often and fall. You hold back on your quests
and encourage failure.
The important point is to let go of your fear of failure. Instead, treat failures as
steps towards success. If you fail one attempt, try again with greater, renewed
vigor. You will succeed, if not the second time, then the third time. Persist and
you are sure to emerge a winner with greater self-confidence.
In reality failure, is only when you succumb to fear of failure and give up.
Remove fear from your mind and fill it with faith:
faith in your abilities
faith in your capabilities, and
faith in yourself
This faith in yourself can take you to high levels of success. There is no failure
if you keep trying until you succeed. Nobody recalls the number of times you
failed from the day you succeed.
Success is the truth while failure is only a mirage.
This is evident with American President, Abraham Lincoln. He sure did not
become President of America first time he tried. However, he did not give up.
He tried again and became President.
In the same sense, many more politicians tried for presidency but could not be
successful. They just chose to quit the presidential race and carried on with
their lives. Hence, they are ‘failures’ in this quest - they backed down due to
fear of further failure.
There are not many roses on the path to success and you probably will tread on
plenty of thorns before you reach your goal or meet success in your endeavors.
Pay no mind to fear of obstacles or hurdles in your path. They are there to
teach you how to tackle them and then move ahead.
Before starting, be mentally prepared for impediments and problems. This
mental preparation goes a long way in evading fear of failures. Statisticians say
that over ninety percent of fears do not happen at all.
How to Overcome Fear of Failure
Fear of failure and faith in your abilities are opposites and exist together in
your mind. It is up to you to eradicate the fear and reinforce the faith. This
unwanted fear directly relates to failure and gains over your faith. You should
decide to push out fear and instill faith in its place.
A classic example is when a baby is learning to walk. It tries innumerable
times and falls or gets hurt. Nevertheless, it does not stop in its attempts.
Instead, it keeps trying until it finally walks! This is an obvious display of the
baby’s faith in its capacity to walk one day.
This clearly indicates that you are born with faith to succeed and overcome
obstacles in your path to success. Proper action replaces fear of failure with
faith in your abilities and efforts. Such action needs you to start it. Allow your
faith to grow and reinforce itself every time you fail. Faith is necessary to live
while fear drags you to darker realms.
Change your mindset to give more prominence to faith. Realize that this
change takes time. Nevertheless, keep trying and do not stop until you succeed.
Such renewed vigor energizes your subconscious mind. Slowly you


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