It is Possible.

Its Possible.........By Kapkiai J

Its is difficult for an ailing patient to believe that the disease can and will go. Its also hard for a student who  has been performing low in class work to believe that things can change to be better. Its hard for a spouse who has been through family conflicts to believe that one day the situation can change to be a loving family. Its hard for a bussiness person to believe that debts owed people,deteroriating sales,unpromising business future can change in a sunrise and become a booming business of its kind.
It is possible. It is possible. Though we might be passing through challenging situations in life but one thing which remain clear is that it will pass..We can and we will overcome them. Living without challenges may not happen but overcoming challenges is life.One sad,unfortunate and tough season should not despair us because thats just one season,there are other seasons which will favor us and our situatons


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