Strong people are made of Hope

Every king was once a crying baby and every building was once a picture. The person you admire so much was once nobody, the most anointed man you see was once a church member. The person you attended his or her wedding was once a chief bachelor or spinster. So why worry in life ?! Its not about where you are today but where you will reach tomorrow. Alphabet “O” which stands for Opportunity, is absent in “yesterday” but available once in “tOday” And Thrice in tomorrow.

Do not worry about anything, go out and do your best with believe and hope that all will be okay.
Strong people are made of hope and investment on their abilities.

You call them small achievement of life, but mark them, they will sprout thousand fruits. It will surprise you how it will turn to feed your family and your generation lineage.

No situation is permanent. Like clouds they came and go. The past will not deter you from achieving your dreams. The past is not and will not be the measure of your future,no, just thank God that you past that life successfully, that you  failed, that it was a difficult experience but you went through and now you are strong.

The past are lessons. Move forward with what was left with you for the days ahead of you are bright.


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