
Showing posts from 2017

Brighten someone's life.

Bring smile unto someone's face, show love,reach out to less fortunate,sit with them,chat with them,let them share their experiences with you, you may not have much to give them but listen to them,appreciate them,thank them. Do this because we are all humans irrespective of who we are or what we posses. Someday in life we shall remember mostly what we did to others,it will give us sense of living,it will give us strength to go through life and a real meaning of life. The little things you do to others count much,and this things are very cheap like smile,helping them in a ceremony by assigning yourself a task,being with them is all what they need. If you don't go where people are nobody will come to you. You will drink tea alone every morning from January to December because you have never dared to drink in someone's place. Life has a meaning if something's are shared. Have everything in life without people and you have nothing but have people who cares you,love you,s...

Who Knows Tomorrow

The people you overlook today are the same people you will desperately need tomorrow. The higher you think you are today is equivalent to the distance you will drop down someday. As you go higher in life don't burn the ladder. Make a good shock absorber in case you come down unexpectedly. Who knows tomorrow? Treat people as humans. Don't attach anything else when serving your fellow human beings. Whether rich or poor,educated or not we are and we shall always be called human beings heading to the same place someday in life.

Forget what hurt you in the past but never forget what it taught you.

Forget what hurt you in the past but never forget what it taught you. Everybody deserves second chances, but not for the same mistakes. If someone you love hurts you, one of the best things you can do is to move on and find happiness elsewhere. Don't give them the satisfaction of seeing you suffer. Let go when you're hurting too much, give up when love isn’t enough, and move on when things aren’t like before. Surely there is someone out there who will love you more.

You were born poor, but if you die poor you have yourself to blame.

You were born poor, but if you die poor you have yourself to blame.  Here are 6 habits that could easily draw your route-map to a life of perpetual poverty. 1.You focus on linear income instead of passive income Most people focus on linear income in the name of salary, allowances and one-off payments. Wise men on the other hand focus on passive income in the name of royalties, interest rates, value addition and profit. Relying on linear income is similar to using buckets to fetch water from the river. With time, you’ll get too old and too tired to transport them to and fro and that means you’ll have to starve for as long as you don’t go to the river. Relying on passive income on the other hand is similar to building a pipeline. It may require a lot of work at the beginning but with time, you’ll no longer have to go to the river to get water – the river will come to you and you’ll not starve. This is the most fundamental principal of wealth creation that most (including you...

Learning From an Eagle.

1. Eagles fly Alone and at High Altitudes. They don't fly with sparrows, ravens, and other small birds. Stay away from narrow-minded people, those that bring you down. Eagle flies with Eagles. Keep good company. 2. Eagles have an Accurate Vision. They have the ability to focus on something as far as 5km away. No matter the obstacles, the eagle will not move his focus from the prey until he grabs it. Have a vision and remain focused no matter what the obstacles and you will succeed. 3. Eagles do not Eat Dead things. They Feed only on Fresh Prey. Do not rely on your past success, keep looking for new frontiers to conquer. Leave your past where it belongs, in the past. 4. Eagles Love the Storm. When clouds gather, the eagle gets excited, the eagle uses the storms wind to lift itself higher. Once it finds the wind of the storm, the eagle uses the raging storm to lift itself above the clouds. This gives the eagle an opportunity to glide and rest its wings. In the meantime, al...

Not All Trees are Medicinal.

Like trees in the field or forest are human beings. Trees are of different types,sizes and serves different purposes. Some trees are taller others are smaller but each serves its main purpose of existence.  Not all trees are medicinal,others are toxic and poisonous but all live in the same forest, no tree has desired to uproot the other other, each live for a purpose and its reason of existence. The poisonous and toxic trees are  important because it serves other purposes too. The smaller trees never wish to have been tall, and taller trees never wished to have been smaller, each are proud of their opportunity to exist and serve its purpose. As humans we shall never ever be the same but we shall always be important.

Stay True To Yourself

Stay true to yourself. Don’t worry about what people think of you or about the way they try to make you feel. If people want to see you as a good person, they will. If they want to see you as a bad person, absolutely nothing you do will stop them.  Ironically, the more you try to show them your good intentions, the more reason you give them to knock you down if they are commited to misunderstanding you. Keep your head up high and be confident in what you do.  Be confident in your intentions and keep your eyes ahead instead of wasting your time on those who want to drag you back. Because you can’t change people’s views, you have to believe that true change for yourself comes from within you, not from anyone else.


Sometimes, we need to forgive the person who wronged us, regardless if they apologize or not. Because, it is for our own peace of mind and it is like starting a new chapter in our life. We don't need to cling to the wrong things they have done to us. We must be thankful that it happened and we must not cry over it again and again.  We need to smile because it happened. Because when you forgive, it takes away the burden that you've been carrying. Because when you forgive, you will be happy. and because forgiving is for your personal growth. Forgiveness, is one of the hardest thing to do. It's not an overnight effect that you can immediately forgive someone. It takes a lot of tries like, twice thrice or perhaps a couple of times. Forgiving someone is a tool for own peace. Do not prolong your agony!  Life is too short to grieve over something that can be forgiven. Live life while you have it.

Cycle of Evil

There was once a king who was so cruel and unjust that his subjects yearned for his death or dethronement. However, one day he surprised them all by announcing that he had decided to turn over a new leaf. “No more cruelty, no more injustice,” he promised, and he was as good as his word. He became known as the ‘Gentle Monarch’. Months after his transformation one of his ministers plucked up enough courage to ask him what had brought about his change of heart. And the king answered, “As I was galloping through my forests I caught sight of a fox being chased by a hound. The fox escaped into his hole but not before the hound had bitten into its leg and lamed it for life. Later I rode into a village and saw the same hound there. It was barking at a man. Even as I watched, the man picked up a huge stone and flung it at the dog, breaking its leg. The man had not gone far when he was kicked by a horse. His knee was shattered and he fell to the ground, disabled f...

The False Human Belief

As a man was passing the elephants, he suddenly stopped, confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg. No chains, no cages. It was obvious that the elephants could, at anytime can break away from their bonds but for some reason, they did not. He saw a trainer nearby and asked why these animals just stood there and made no attempt to get away. “Well,” trainer said, “when they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and, at that age, it’s enough to hold them. As they grow up, they are conditioned to believe they cannot break away. They believe the rope can still hold them, so they never try to break free.” The man was amazed. These animals could at any time break free from their bonds but because they believed they couldn’t, they were stuck right where they were. Like the elephants, how many of us go through life hanging onto a belief that we cannot do somet...

Raising successful Kids

Research Shows Parents Who Raise Successful Kids Do These Things Differently Kids are going to end up defining what success looks like to them as they grow up, but parents who raise kids who are happy, healthy and independent do these 10 things differently from other parents . Your role as a parent lasts a lifetime, but your role in their development is crucial. How can you find a balance between molding them and letting them mold themselves? Let’s look at 10 things that research shows parents who raise successful kids do differently. RESEARCH REVEALS: PARENTS WHO RAISE ‘SUCCESSFUL’ KIDS DO THESE 10 THINGS 1. LET THEM FAIL Persistence is what parents who raise successful kids are teaching when they allow kids to fail in small ways without rushing in to rescue them. Learning to get back up after a fall builds determination to carry on. 2. TEACH THE MEANING OF GRATITUDE Spend time with those who have less, who have lost, or who are fighting a battle beyond what yo...

Strong people are made of Hope

Every king was once a crying baby and every building was once a picture. The person you admire so much was once nobody, the most anointed man you see was once a church member. The person you attended his or her wedding was once a chief bachelor or spinster. So why worry in life ?! Its not about where you are today but where you will reach tomorrow. Alphabet “O” which stands for Opportunity, is absent in “yesterday” but available once in “tOday” And Thrice in tomorrow. Do not worry about anything, go out and do your best with believe and hope that all will be okay. Strong people are made of hope and investment on their abilities. You call them small achievement of life, but mark them, they will sprout thousand fruits. It will surprise you how it will turn to feed your family and your generation lineage. No situation is permanent. Like clouds they came and go. The past will not deter you from achieving your dreams. The past is not and will not be the measure of your future,no, just t...

Resist giving up, make your path.

"Stop using other peoples measuring stick to rate your success. There will always be someone with more clients and more money. You will end up feeling frustrated, instead set your own measure. Do what feels good. Be of service. Reach for your own stars and be happy". By Dabbie Lachusa Let giving up be absent in your thoughts when confronted with challenges when pursuing your dream and passion. Though Its tough and tougher. Though It may  look difficult, though you might have tried several moons ago, though you might  have seek the most advice and help but all fall in vain. Thoughts are almost telling you to give up, to lose hope,to surrender. People may have asked you to give up,but do they know your destiny?do they know the great urge to achieve your dreams deep in you? But deep in your heart and thoughts are nuggets of voices which whisper to you every step on the way that ' you can overcome, you can win this battle,hold on,fight on, re strategize, refocus,collect your...

Get out for your daily bread.

Success will never lower its standards to accommodate you. You have to raise your standards to achieve it. God provides food for every bird but not in its nest. Rise up to the challenges ahead of you and conquer your fears.

Untold Truths.

Bitter Truths .   MY HOUSE IS ABOUT TO BE LOCKED  on date 29th just because I was not able to raise rent. I  post it on fb seeking help, I get 2 likes & zero comments.  So l send 100 messages to my contact list requesting for a loan of shs15, 000/=.  Sadly only 10ppl  reply.  6 out of the 10 are claiming they can't help. The 4 who can help tell me ningoje waende bank kesho.  Kesho mmoja ako mteja,  the other 3 never pick.  So jioni imefika,  door is locked.  _I have no where to sleep.  I walk in the dark seeking options and sadly goons meet me. Flash foward &  the next day current issue that broadcasters feel warrants the interruption of scheduled programming is am dead. 1500 ppl post on my wall how they knew me. How great I was. A committe is formed by my loyal friend.Friends contribute 200,000/= to feed guests at my funeral. My staffs  team up and bring another 200k for coffin tents and chairs....

Life is about giving - Don't be like the Dead Sea

As you probably recall, the Dead Sea is really a Lake, not a sea. It’s so high in salt content that the human body can float easily in it. The salt in the Dead Sea is as high as 35% - almost 10 times that of normal ocean water. And all that saltiness has meant that there is no life at all in the Dead Sea. No fish. No vegetation. No mammal. In fact, nothing lives in the Dead Sea. And hence the name: Dead Sea. The other sea is the Sea of Galilee. It happens that the Sea of Galilee is just north of the Dead Sea. Both the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea receive their water from River Jordan. And yet, they are very, very different. Unlike the Dead Sea, the Sea of Galilee is pretty, rich and resplendent with colourful marine life, plants and fish. So, the Sea of Galilee is home to well over twenty different types of fish. Same region, same source of water, and yet while one sea is full of life, the other is dead. How come? Here’s apparently why. The River Jordan flows into t...

Success is not one way straight.

A time has come when young people are to reject the myths  and traditions set before them that success  is one way straight. That success is found in 10000pgs book. That success is only achieved after getting to the apex of professional and academic training. What's is success? I think success is wholistic thing and not one aspect of life. But whether it's true or not we believe that everyone  can change his or her life story right there in that level of life he/she is, so long as at the end of the day you are able to use what you have acquired through learning no matter big or small to bring food to the table.. Pay school fees.. Pay hospital bills... That's life. Nobody can do it for us unless we take a step and use every opportunity that's within  and without to shape our life and get our daily bread. Every body is important. You too is important. What we do to get our daily bread,nobody can do for us,so let's do with a lot of passion and determination. Nobo...

Koloa massacre of 1950- Baringo

Kolowa: Pokot leaders to sue UK for massacre of 100 morans. Pokot leaders plan to sue the British government over the massacre of more than 100 Pokot morans in 1950. Speaking at Koloa village in Tiaty, Baringo County, the leaders said they had already consulted their lawyers and would soon commence the legal battle. West Pokot Governor Simon Kachapin, speaking on behalf of the leaders, said the killing was not justified, noting those targetted were innocent villagers and their families must be compensated fully. Baringo County Assembly Speaker William Kamkat alleged that British citizens killed in the confrontation were compensated. The lone survivor of the 1950 Koloa Massacre in Baringo County, gave a blow-by-blow account of how hundreds of Pokot men were brutally murdered by British police and their bodies buried in a mass grave. Bullet Scar Displaying a bullet scar above his right knee, 86-year-old Arumo Pulongor said he escaped death by a whisker after rolling into a...

Terrible outcome of Alcohol

((( ALCOHOL IN THE BIBLE ))) NO DRUNKARD SHALL INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD 1 COR 6,10. 1) Genesis 9:20-26 - Noah became drunk; the result was immorality and family trouble. 2) Genesis 19:30-38 - Lot was so drunk he did not know what he was doing; this led to immorality 3) Leviticus 10:9-11 - God commanded priests not to drink so that they could tell the difference between the holy and the unholy. 4) Numbers 6:3 - The Nazarites were told to eat or drink nothing from the grape vine. 5) Deuteronomy 21:20 - A drunken son was stubborn and rebellious. 6) Deuteronomy 29:5-6 - God gave no grape juice to Israel nor did they have intoxicating drink in the wilderness. 7) Deuteronomy 32:33 - Intoxicating wine is like the poison of serpents, the cruel venom of asps. 8) Judges 13:4, 7, 14 - Samson was to be a Nazarite for life. His mother was told not to drink wine or strong drink. 9) 1 Samuel 1:14-15 - Accused, Hannah said she drank no wine. 10) 1 Samuel 25:32-38 - Nabal died after a drun...

All are vanities. Honor God.

Beauty is not a guarantee to marriage . Falling sick does not mean you are about to die. Getting rich is not the definition of prosperity. Building a nice house is not enjoying luxury. Sleeping on an expensive bed does not bring you sound sleep. Driving a new car is not a guarantee that you gonna reach where you are going. Wearing best clothes does not mean they are fitting you. Owning a family doctor does not guarantee permanent health. Being highly educated is not a sign of wisdom. Marrying a rich guy does not guarantee happy marriage. Winning an argument does not mean that you are correct. Whatever is done without the merit of Heaven is fake and temporal. He who builds without God is building for nothing ; and he who watches over a city without God, watches in vain. Not everything is possible with men, yet everything is possible with God. Involve God in everything you do....Stay blessed.

Toxic people

Check out @TheBestOfGifs1's Tweet:

Don't Let Anyone Bring You Down

Don’t let anyone bring you down so low as to hate them. Release them from the hold they have on you and continue on with peace in your heart. Life is short and is not worth wasting your time trying to figure people out or prove anything to them. The only person you have to prove anything to is yourself. Strive to be the best person you can possibly be, be strong, and walk away. Holding on to bitterness and anger will only hinder your happiness. Your life is much too precious to spend another minute worrying about someone that doesn’t bring you happiness. Say goodbye and wish them well. After all, they’ve made you a stronger person. They’ll see the light someday. ~ Ladybug