No matter how stable one is he/she lacks something - Love Yourself.

Someone will always be prettier. Someone will
always be smarter. Someone's house will be
bigger. Someone will drive a better car. Someone
will earn more. Someone will travel more. Just
let it go. Take care of yourself. Love yourself and
your circumstances.
The prettiest, slimmest woman in the world may
have sadness in her heart. The most highly
favored woman in your office may not be able to
have children. The richest woman you know may
have the car, the house, and the clothes - but
might be very lonely. So, love yourself. Love who
you are right now. Tell yourself "I am too blessed
to be stressed." Be well. Be happy. Be blessed.
"To the world you might be one person, but to
one person you just might be the world".

Courtesy of James Wamae Gitare - fb


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