
Showing posts from July, 2023

Lessons of life.

Someone graduated at the age of 22, but waited 5 years before securing a good job. Someone became a CEO at 25, and died at 50. While another became a CEO at 50, and lived to 90 years.  Someone is still single, while someone from his school group has become grandfather. Obama retired at 55 & Trump started at 70.  Everyone in this world works based on their time zone. People around you might seem ahead of you & some might seem to be behind you.  But everyone is running their own race, in their own time. Do not envy them. They are in their time zone, and you are in yours. So, relax. You're not late. You're not early. You are very much on time, and will achieve your desired goals for Life Be Encouraged.

It will soon grow old.

Some years back, it was the most beautiful house in this community.  The owner was the richest man in whom all looked up to for support.  The vehicle was a cynosure of all eyes. It was like a dream come true when the owner added both house and vehicle to his list of possession. But today, the properties have grown old and in fulfillment of the natural law, must collapse for a new house to develop.  Should anyone be found living inside this building as it stands now, such a person is labelled as "insane" and must be kept at arm's length.  Nothing in life is worth fighting for. Your best clothes is someone's rag. Your account balance is someone's donation at a function. Your girlfriend/ boyfriend/ fiance/ fiancĂ©e is someone's ex. Every single prostitute you see in a hotel or on the street at night was at some point in time a virgin. So what is the squabble all about? Life is too small to feel bigger or better than anybody.  "We are all naked to ...