
Showing posts from January, 2023

As Time goes by.

AS TIME GOES BY As time goes by, You will loosen your grip on that rock, The one you always thought was home, And you will realise that home is not a place, It’s a state of mind. Let it go. As time goes by, You will learn to see yourself more clearly, The girl/ boy who was always too much of one thing, And too little of another, was actually Everything you needed to be. Let yourself out As time goes by, You will let the simple things become big, And you will allow the big things to become simple, And that readjustment will be, The day you really start to live. Let it be As time goes by, You will be forced to say goodbye many times, And your soft little heart will shatter but, It will still beat and that will bring you, All the purpose you need. Let it beat As time goes by, You will stop choosing wealth over peace, You will stop choosing money over time, And you will see that the treasures you need, Are in the smiles and the laughter. Let them in As time g...

The battle of mogori

HOW THE KIPSIGIS LOST THE KIPKOIMET AGESET By Kipkemoi Araap Korir One curious peculiarity of the Kipsigis just like the Nandi is missing an ageset and having seven Agesets instead of the normal Kalenjin holy number eight. While the Nandi miss the Korongoro ageset having been killed by the Masai, the Kipsigis miss the Kipkoimet whose fate we shall learn about in this sad narrative. So what happened to the Kipsigis Kipkoimet ageset? How come they have an odd number of Agesets which is against the Kalenjin norm? In the 1700s the Kipsigis had all eight agesets. But a misadventure by the Kipkoimet Ageset in the 1800s led to their  devastating massacre leading to the removal of the ageset from the cycle completely. Other Kalenjin subtribes have also deleted Agesets including the Nandi who deleted Korongoro after massive losses versus the Masai and the Tugen who deleted the Maina after a massacre by the Keiyo and the Masai. Today let us examine the fate of the Kipsigis Kipkoimet...

Earning money versus making money

MONEY, MONEY,  MONEY 1. Looking for money 2. Earning money 3. Making money What are the differences? 1. LOOKING FOR MONEY:- means you don't know where money is. You go up and down mountains and valley, forests and desert looking for it everywhere. It's hunting and gathering kind of a thing. Here, you are a gambler. You don't control your day's one day a time...sometimes you get, a times you don't. 2. EARNING MONEY:- it means receiving money as payment for work that you do for a certain duration certain duration on terms. Here you exchange your time, energy and skills for money. The source is known and money given depends on the terms of whoever contracts you. Here, you are dependent and under one's mercy. You are vulnerable in two ways. Your contracts can be terminated anytime even if you are not ready. Secondly, you will be retired after being sacked dry. 3. Making money: It means that you know the ingredients that go into producing and put...

Leadership lessons

11 Leadership Lessons from" The Leader in you"-Dale Carnegie 1. Talk less, listen more. People will pay attention to what you say, just because of your position. The leader’s job is to pay attention to what other people say, especially those who think their views don’t count. Show you’re listening by acting on what people tell you, and gain their trust by giving them the credit. 2. Don’t step in with solutions too quickly. No-one learns anything new if you keep doing what you already know how to do, and don’t allow others to try. Anyway, they may find a different, or better way, and if not… mistakes are valuable too. 3. Be authentic. Be authentic, passionate, even emotional, about what you believe in. Share your vision and live your values. The personal is more engaging, even inspiring, than the process. 4. Don’t ‘dis’ downwards. Once a decision is made by the Board, or the leadership team, it’s yours even if you argued...