There is Always Tomorrow
Whenever you deal with people you must always remember that you might need them in the future . You may end up needing help from the people who are asking for your help today. Life is like a moving wheel, sometimes you are up and sometimes you are down. Sometimes we destroy the bridges that we might need to cross later. Joseph helped the cupbearer in prison and later the cupbearer connected Joseph with Pharaoh. Imagine how Portiphar’s wife felt when she heard that Joseph was now the Governor of Egypt after she had falsely accused him. The brothers who sold Joseph away ended up needing bread from him. Even when you have differences with someone don’t go to the extremes, have tomorrow in mind. When you leave your job remember that you will need a reference from your former boss. Jonathan was the son of a King but he was nice to David who was an ordinary citizen and it helped in the future 2 Samuel 9:1 David asked, “Is there anyone still left of the house of Saul t...