
Showing posts from 2019


It’s with a heavy heart that I write you this note, knowing the amount of pain it is going to cause you. Mum, I want you to know that I love you dearly and will ever love you. If I am given the opportunity to live again I will still choose you as my mum and our family will still be my place of birth. But unfortunately, I know that there is not going to be any such opportunity. Mum, I didn’t want to do this, but I was compelled by circumstances beyond my control to take the plunge. I tried my best to pull through, but my best was not good enough. I battled alone for about thirteen months now until my strength failed me. You and dad could not decipher what I was going through and maybe I should not blame you for that. My one and only brother came very close to understanding what I was passing through but it was too much for his young mind to comprehend. Mum, I know that you and dad loved me and did everything you could to prove that to me but I was not feeling loved. ...


"Mochomin chi kou ye ichomegei, amagurenen chi kiy ye metinye kiy ne nengung" by a renowned kalenjin elder. Sich komongunet ile kou ye sobei  cheptailel ne nomu sobet ak koberuri bikyik, aegu agane kiy eng taitatab bik ak bororiet. Mobuch kogiletabgei ne igiligei ichenge sobon,morue mungu,kerin ago tetei che miach agobo inye mutai. Iterteri tugul che uen eng taingung ak kosuldaun mungu che imokchinigei. Moting'u chi borotetab chi, mungu inegei ne igochin chi.

Another way to love your enemies.

Another way that you love your enemy is this: When the opportunity presents itself for you to defeat your enemy, that is the time which you must not do it. There will come a time, in many instances, when the person who hates you most, the person who has misused you most, the person who has gossiped about you most, the person who has spread false rumors about you most, there will come a time when you will have an opportunity to defeat that person. It might be in terms of a recommendation for a job; it might be in terms of helping that person to make some move in life. That’s the time you must do it. That is the meaning of love. In the final analysis, love is not this sentimental something that we talk about. It’s not merely an emotional something. Love is creative, understanding goodwill for all men. It is the refusal to defeat any individual. When you rise to the level of love, of its great beauty and power, you seek only to defeat evil systems. Individuals who happen to ...

There is Always Tomorrow

Whenever you deal with people you must always remember that you might need them in the future . You may end up needing help from the people who are asking for your help today. Life is like a moving wheel, sometimes you are up and sometimes you are down. Sometimes we destroy the bridges that we might need to cross later. Joseph helped the cupbearer in prison and later the cupbearer connected Joseph with Pharaoh. Imagine how Portiphar’s wife felt when she heard that Joseph was now the Governor of Egypt after she had falsely accused him. The brothers who sold Joseph away ended up needing bread from him. Even when you have differences with someone don’t go to the extremes, have tomorrow in mind. When you leave your job remember that you will need a reference from your former boss. Jonathan was the son of a King but he was nice to David who was an ordinary citizen and it helped in the future 2 Samuel 9:1 David asked, “Is there anyone still left of the house of Saul t...

Who said you are behind in life?

You are not behind in life. There is no schedule or timetable that we all must follow. It is all made up. Wherever you are right now is exactly where you need to be. Seven billion people can't do everything in exactly the same scheduled order. We are all different with a variety of needs and goals. Some get married early, some get married late, while other's don't get married at all. What is early? What is late? Compared with whom? Compared with what? Some want children, others don't. Some want a career; others enjoy taking care of a house and children. Your life is not on anyone else's schedule. Do not beat yourself up for where you are right now. It is your timeline, not anyone else's and nothing is off schedule.  Be yourself and follow your own schedule.

Kababa Generation

The 'kababa' generation is fully grown up now and they were never taught how to take NO for an answer. Always got what they wanted. This is the same group that was burning down schools, now they are out in the world slaughtering each other in the name of love, yet love is kind, love is patient and keeps no record of wrong. The Kababa generation has gone through schooling with no punishment. Piga mtoto wangu utaniona, is what we hear in parent-teachers meetings and in the estates neighbor to neighbor. It is the generation that the girl child is more empowered than the boy child, yet we expect them to compete at the same levels. Boys are teaching themselves how to become men instead of being taught by responsible men what it means to be a real man. The mums never let them interact with the dad or uncles or male relatives coz walikosana na baba, or had beef with inlaws or feel the uncles are too hard on her kababa, my munchkin , my king, my bae, my love, my man in the house a...

The Hunger of Wanting Does not stop.

Sometime back , my friends laughed at me that I had only one pair of brown shoes , yet they had all types of heels  but it dint break me because I knew my children needed food , shelter, medication and clothing , this was priority, they laughed because they didn't  know my story , and what  God had for me in store today I have wadrobes of shoes , yet I can only put on one pair at a time  the hunger of new shoes left me when I  realized new shoes doesn't make a person new ! I was hungry for owning homes , today I can only sleep in one bed and be at one place at a time, some homes have not seen me since 5 months, I recieved photos of rats dealing with the kitchen properly Today I am tired of shopping for it only adds baggage in my wadrobes , after puting it on taking pictures , I dont feel like putting it on again  I wanted to own cars , yes all came to pass . The hunger of wanting doesn't stop, the more you get the more you want , and the higher you go , you...
Sometime back , my friends laughed at me that I had only one pair of brown shoes , yet they had all types of heels  but it dint break me because I knew my children needed food , shelter, medication and clothing , this was priority, they laughed because they didn't  know my story , and what  God had for me in store today I have wadrobes of shoes , yet I can only put on one pair at a time  the hunger of new shoes left me when I  realized new shoes doesn't make a person new ! I was hungry for owning homes , today I can only sleep in one bed and be at one place at a time, some homes have not seen me since 5 months, I recieved photos of rats dealing with the kitchen properly Today I am tired of shopping for it only adds baggage in my wadrobes , after puting it on taking pictures , I dont feel like putting it on again  I wanted to own cars , yes all came to pass . The hunger of wanting doesn't stop, the more you get the more you want , and the higher you go , you...

Learn to live With Your Enemies.

When the baboons and monkeys heard that the man who used to chase them away from the maize field had died they hysterically celebrated. The following year there was no maize. that's when they painfully realised the dead man was the farmer Under all conditions learn to live with your enemies. You might reject them now but soon you will realize that they were the only pillars you needed.

Secrets To New Life.

Winners are obsessed with the idea of reinventing themselves, their careers and their businesses, they believe in going through a process of metamorphosis every six to twelve months, because they know that to be a leader the rate of change within must be faster than the rate of change without, so if your desire is to create a new life, to transform your deep experiences,here are best practices to help you foster change; 1. Forgive those who hurt you badly When you hold on to past hurts, you internalize the nature of the hurt, and what you internalize you reproduce. To keep hating someone who abused you is to risk becoming an abuser yourself, to keep hating on someone who broke your heart is building a permanent monument of bitterness, so to become new totally forgive. 2. Envision a New Life. Here is the reason why God gave you a mind, to use the imaginative faculty to create new experiences! You are awesomely powerful, you are not an animal that just lives by instinct,you are spiri...