
Showing posts from May, 2018

The Irony of Life - Vanities

The Bible says it is all vanity. Today you are rich, tomorrow you are poor.Today you want to get married tomorrow you are divorced.Today you are so cute, tomorrow you are so ugly lying on that hospital bed. Today you are looking down on people, tomorrow you are looking up to people. Today you are saved, tomorrow you are backslidden. Today you sleep hungry tomorrow you are dinning with kings. In life, what goes around comes back around. Therefore live life one step at a time. Love people. Treat people right. Be humble. Remember you can be on top today and tomorrow you are down there. Also remember, no one is perfect, therefore stop judging people because you are not God. Learn to forgive and move on. Riches, wealth, good life, good marriages, beautiful family, nice homes, nice cars, good health, good life, good business, investments, jobs and good careers we have today are all vanity. God bless you all.