
Showing posts from December, 2017

Brighten someone's life.

Bring smile unto someone's face, show love,reach out to less fortunate,sit with them,chat with them,let them share their experiences with you, you may not have much to give them but listen to them,appreciate them,thank them. Do this because we are all humans irrespective of who we are or what we posses. Someday in life we shall remember mostly what we did to others,it will give us sense of living,it will give us strength to go through life and a real meaning of life. The little things you do to others count much,and this things are very cheap like smile,helping them in a ceremony by assigning yourself a task,being with them is all what they need. If you don't go where people are nobody will come to you. You will drink tea alone every morning from January to December because you have never dared to drink in someone's place. Life has a meaning if something's are shared. Have everything in life without people and you have nothing but have people who cares you,love you,s...

Who Knows Tomorrow

The people you overlook today are the same people you will desperately need tomorrow. The higher you think you are today is equivalent to the distance you will drop down someday. As you go higher in life don't burn the ladder. Make a good shock absorber in case you come down unexpectedly. Who knows tomorrow? Treat people as humans. Don't attach anything else when serving your fellow human beings. Whether rich or poor,educated or not we are and we shall always be called human beings heading to the same place someday in life.