
Showing posts from November, 2017

Forget what hurt you in the past but never forget what it taught you.

Forget what hurt you in the past but never forget what it taught you. Everybody deserves second chances, but not for the same mistakes. If someone you love hurts you, one of the best things you can do is to move on and find happiness elsewhere. Don't give them the satisfaction of seeing you suffer. Let go when you're hurting too much, give up when love isn’t enough, and move on when things aren’t like before. Surely there is someone out there who will love you more.

You were born poor, but if you die poor you have yourself to blame.

You were born poor, but if you die poor you have yourself to blame.  Here are 6 habits that could easily draw your route-map to a life of perpetual poverty. 1.You focus on linear income instead of passive income Most people focus on linear income in the name of salary, allowances and one-off payments. Wise men on the other hand focus on passive income in the name of royalties, interest rates, value addition and profit. Relying on linear income is similar to using buckets to fetch water from the river. With time, you’ll get too old and too tired to transport them to and fro and that means you’ll have to starve for as long as you don’t go to the river. Relying on passive income on the other hand is similar to building a pipeline. It may require a lot of work at the beginning but with time, you’ll no longer have to go to the river to get water – the river will come to you and you’ll not starve. This is the most fundamental principal of wealth creation that most (including you...

Learning From an Eagle.

1. Eagles fly Alone and at High Altitudes. They don't fly with sparrows, ravens, and other small birds. Stay away from narrow-minded people, those that bring you down. Eagle flies with Eagles. Keep good company. 2. Eagles have an Accurate Vision. They have the ability to focus on something as far as 5km away. No matter the obstacles, the eagle will not move his focus from the prey until he grabs it. Have a vision and remain focused no matter what the obstacles and you will succeed. 3. Eagles do not Eat Dead things. They Feed only on Fresh Prey. Do not rely on your past success, keep looking for new frontiers to conquer. Leave your past where it belongs, in the past. 4. Eagles Love the Storm. When clouds gather, the eagle gets excited, the eagle uses the storms wind to lift itself higher. Once it finds the wind of the storm, the eagle uses the raging storm to lift itself above the clouds. This gives the eagle an opportunity to glide and rest its wings. In the meantime, al...