Koloa massacre of 1950- Baringo
Kolowa: Pokot leaders to sue UK for massacre of 100 morans. Pokot leaders plan to sue the British government over the massacre of more than 100 Pokot morans in 1950. Speaking at Koloa village in Tiaty, Baringo County, the leaders said they had already consulted their lawyers and would soon commence the legal battle. West Pokot Governor Simon Kachapin, speaking on behalf of the leaders, said the killing was not justified, noting those targetted were innocent villagers and their families must be compensated fully. Baringo County Assembly Speaker William Kamkat alleged that British citizens killed in the confrontation were compensated. The lone survivor of the 1950 Koloa Massacre in Baringo County, gave a blow-by-blow account of how hundreds of Pokot men were brutally murdered by British police and their bodies buried in a mass grave. Bullet Scar Displaying a bullet scar above his right knee, 86-year-old Arumo Pulongor said he escaped death by a whisker after rolling into a...